Voyage Ceremony Notice


Dear Pilots,
We regret to inform you that there was an issue with the ship entrance during the voyage ceremony. This was due to various underlying mechanisms and gameplay within the star system that have been updated over the past year, which affected the original operation mechanism of the ceremony. Unfortunately, these impacts were not discovered in time. We apologize for the inconvenience and will make sure to adjust and optimize this feature in the future.

To ensure the ceremony goes smoothly, we have initiated a backup plan. The ceremony team will restore and record the ceremony based on the corp member participation data and the attendance data. We will release the complete ceremony recording video to you on YouTube within the next two weeks.

As compensation for this inconvenience, a server-wide compensation has been released, including 300,000 Skill Points, 5,000,000 Lazarus Units, and 100 Cloud AI Learning Code Refactoring Permission. Additionally, we will refund the registration fees of all participating corps and grant 1.5 million Corp Reputation to participating corps. 

We are currently developing and testing the content for the anniversary celebration, which will include the return of the Thermomagnetic Storm Core, the Wasteseeker Drone Cosmic Anomaly, new implants, new structures, etc. We will also distribute anniversary benefits, including 200,000 Skill Points, 3,000,000 Lazarus Units, 20 Genesis and Ascension Neural Compilers, 50 Tesseract Star Cores, 100 Amethyst Cones, and 60 Compressed Nanites. Do not forget to log in to receive these rewards.