Optimization the Nanocore of the Star Beat


In addition to the new nanocore, the appearance and special effects of the highly anticipated "Star Beat" will also be adjusted and officially launched on November 23rd!


The updated nanocore of the "Star Beat" will be presented with more vibrant colors and exquisite special effects.


At the same time, due to the involvement of multiple ships, the modification of visual effects needs to be done one by one. It takes a long time to complete the appearance adjustments of all ships. Therefore, the related adjustments of the nanocore of the Star Beat will be implemented in batches. We hope to allow pilots to experience the new appearance effects as soon as possible.


In the first batch, we will update the appearance of the nanocore of the Star Beat for various flagship ships. The specific updated ships are as follows:


Revelation, Naglfar, Moros, Phoenix, Thanatos&Villain, Nidhoggur&Vassago, Archon&Astarte, Chimera&Anaconda, Aeon, Hel, Nyx, Wyvern.


We will gradually complete all the appearance and special effects adjustments of the nanocore of the Star Beat. Thank you to all the pilots for your understanding and patience.